So what is “Jäger”?!
Hey! Thanks for stopping by. I’m Simon Tiedge.
I’m a passionate hobby chef ever since I attempted to get a degree in Home Economics back in the days in Germany. Thou I loved food way before that, it taught me the basics of “proper” food preparation.
Growing up in Germany, a tasty wild game dish was not hard to come by. Every fall (Germany’s Restaurant Game Season) all kinds of Venison, Goose, Wild boar and Upland Bird dishes can be found in restaurants in any small town. Paradise, right?!
Fast-forward to 2011. The year a lot changed for me and I moved from Europe to Minneapolis, Minnesota.
It didn’t take long for me to realized that I was missing some very specific types of food. Nothing fancy. Really more simple things like fresh sourdough bread and a good Jägerschnitzel (Schnitzel „Hunter Style“). I was surprised to see no game dishes in any restaurants I visited.
The decision to take matters in my own two hands came easy. I started baking bread, cooking schnitzel and quickly realized that I need to go further to really get what I was craving. Wild Sustainable Game Meat.
I needed to become a “Jäger”! (No…not the booze…It’s German for hunter)
It is 2021. This is only my second season as a Hunter and a Wild Game Connoisseur. I learned a lot about both hunting and cooking but still consider myself a novice at both. There is a lot to learn and my dog Shooter keeps me grounded on every hunt we are on together.
So please take everything on this blog with a grain of salt (pun intended). These are Shooters and my adventures in the field and the outcomes of them in the kitchen.
Thanks again for stopping by and Guten Appetit!